Ion Androutsopoulos

This page in Greek
> Contact/FAQ

Contact Information and Frequently Asked Questions

Postal address:
Ion Androutsopoulos,
Department of Informatics, Athens University of Economics and Business,
Patission 76, GR-104 34 Athens, Greece.
Office address:
Troias building (2 Troias, Kimolou, and Spetson St., map), 4th floor, office 417.
Office hours: Please e-mail me the day before.
Tuesday 11:00-13:00,
Thursday 11:00-13:00.
Office phone:
ion at aueb dot gr, but please see the frequently asked questions below before sending a messge to me.
Frequently asked questions:
For queries related to courses I teach, please study (and follow) the communication guidelines of each course before sending a message to me. See the introductory slides of each course at e-class.
There are no incoming internships in my group.
I supervise outgoing internships only of students of AUEB's Department of Informatics, and only if the internships are directly relevant to Artificial Intelligence, especially Natural Language Processing or Machine Learning.
For topics of new BSc or MSc projects that I propose and prerequisites, see this document (in Greek).
I provide reference letters only to students I was the supervisor of (e.g., in BSc, MSc, PhD theses), as well as to students that had exceptional grades (9 or 10) in courses I taught. If you attended more than one courses that I taught, your grades must have been exceptional in all of them.
I receive too many invitations to review papers. If I do not reply to a review invitation, please assume that I am unavailable.
Home page:
AUEB central building by night.
AUEB central building, back side.

Last update: September 13, 2024.