Welcome to my
web page.
I am currently an assistant professor at the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB).
I spent the 2018-19 academic year as the Senior (Lead) Statistician at
the Cambridge Cancer Trials Centre (CCTC) of the University of
Cambridge. I continue to work on CCTC studies.
Before joining AUEB I was a researcher at the MRC
Biostatistics Unit and then a lecturer at the Agricultural University of Athens, see my Curriculum
Vitae for the details.
My research
is mostly concerned with Bayes
methods and their
application in Medicine (particularly Epidemics and Survival Analysis),
Biology and Health Economics. My publications are in my Curriculum
Vitae and in Google scholar.
Email: nikos "AT"
Contact address: Department of Statistics, Athens
University of Economics and Business, 76 Patission Str., GR10434, Athens, Greece
I did a PhD in Statistics
at the University
of Nottingham
with Philip
O'Neill. My
thesis is available online here.
Before that
I did a Maths BSc at the University
Patras and a Stats MSc at the Athens University
Economics and Business. Additional information can be found in my Curriculum
I am a co-organiser of the Greek Stochastics meetings
Here is how a friend thought I look like
A recent (Nov. 2015) photo of mine can be found here
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